Weekly Data

태양광 Weekly Summary(2월 8일 기준)

백영찬 2012. 2. 8. 20:38

안녕하세요 2월 둘째주 태양광 체인가격 Weekly Summary입니다. 

1. 폴리실리콘 Spot 가격 : 전주대비 $0.5(1.6%) 상승, 현재 $31.75/kg

2. 웨이퍼가격 : 125mm 단결정 전주대비 $0.049(+5.35%) 상승, 현재 $0.965

3. 모듈가격 : 전주대비 변화 없음, 현재 $0.94/Watt


금주 태양광 밸류체인은 모듈을 제외한 전 제품가격이 상승했습니다. 웨이퍼가격 상승이 가장 컸으며 폴리실리콘 및 셀 가격은 소폭 반등했습니다. PVinsights에 따르면 폴리 업체들은 최근들어 가격 상승 정책을 고수하고 있으며, 웨이퍼업체들 또한 원재료가격 하락보다 웨이퍼 ASP상승에 무게를 두고 있다고 합니다. 고효율제품들에 대한 수요 지속으로 단결정 웨이퍼가격 상승폭이 여전히 다결정보다 큰 상황입니다. 1Q12 태양광 설치량은 전년동기대비 증가할 것으로 보이나 모듈업체들은 수익성을 고려해 셀 구매에 공격적으로 나서지 있지 않다고 합니다. 독일이나 영국의 추가적인 보조금 삭감안이 확정되지 않고 있어 몇 몇 시스템 설치업체들은 1분기 태양광시장 전망을 긍정적으로 보고 있다는 전언입니다. 다음은 원문입니다.


Spot prices of all solar components increased this week, except for solar modules. Spot wafer prices increased significantly this week, and mono wafers maintained strong. Spot prices of solar cells showed similar but slightly price uptrend as solar wafers. Spot prices of poly-silicon increased slightly on week. Spot prices of solar modules maintained stable. Some solar module vendors had adopted dollar-denominated pricing to prevent fluctuations in the Euro.


Poly-silicon vendors kept pricing appreciation policies recently. Spot poly prices had increased steadily since we first observed from our supply chain survey during the last week of 2011. Rather than reducing costs of poly feedstock, wafer manufacturers now had focused more on increasing their ASPs of wafers. Spot wafer price uptrend continued, and wafer vendors tried to pull up price further in the coming week. High-efficiency products remained more popular than mainstream products, and thus mono wafers still showed more significant price uptrend than multi wafers.


Followed by the price rebounding last week, spot prices of solar cells kept increasing this week. Solar cell manufacturers tried to increase their prices with same magnitude as their wafer costs. However, solar cell vendors were requested to provide with more advanced products such as higher efficiency, PID-free, or mono products. Although the connection volume in 1Q12 seems to be better than 1Q11, solar module manufacturers were not in a hurry to pull in too many solar cells beyond their ideal pricing range. They carefully arrange their material costs and managed their orders decentralized among different regions. Further tariff cuts in German or UK were still not decided yet, and some system vendors thought positive about PV prospect for the first quarter of 2012.

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